Dear Parishioner and Friends of the Parish, I welcome you to our Parish website and hope that you will enjoy discovering information about our parish personnel and various organisations, active in our Parish. We broadcast our Ceremonies via the Internet so that you and your family members who live abroad may be able to join us. Our lists, descriptions, and activities are not exhaustive and we welcome any suggestions that you may have with regard to improving our service to you.
So if you are a new arrival, or someone who has lived here a long time, I hope that this website, gives you a flavour of our services, and maybe it will inspire you to join one of our parish groups. I pray God’s Blessing on all who visit this website. “May Almighty God Bless you and Those you know and Love”
To celebrate the Annunciation of the Lord Mass times will be as follows:
Vigil Mass – Monday 24th March – 7.00pm
Mass – Tuesday 25th March – 10.00am
In addition to the weekly mass times and adoration the following additional services will occur during Lent:
Wednesday: Mass 10.00am & 6.00pm
The 6.00pm Mass is preceded by Adoration, Benediction and Confession commencing 5.00pm.
Friday: Stations of the Cross. 3.00pm
Everyone Welcome
Click Lent Schedule 2025 to download full schedule.
The Station of the Cross (also known as the Way of the Cross) is a spiritual journey. At each of the 14 stations we reflect prayerfully upon Jesus’ suffering, Death and Resurrection, and use the visual images to reflect on Christ’s love for us.
You can pray the Stations of the Cross at any time of the day, and you are not limited to Lent when it comes to this devotion to Christ.
We hope that you will take time to meditate on Christ’s journey to the Cross, and ask the Lord, our Loving Father, to fill us with his Holy Spirit.
Click here to access Youtube link to view guided Stations of Cross – which can be viewed at anytime.
Archbishop Dermot Farrell’s Pastoral Letter Building Hope with Open Hearts launches a significant new phase of the Building Hope pastoral renewal initiative across the Archdiocese, which fosters a deeper relationship with Christ and renew the Church through prayer, reflection and action.
We pray that we may open our hearts to the Spirit to help guide our actions. Come Holy Spirit, enliven us as we build hope together across the Archdiocese.
Click to read or download Building Hope With Open Hearts Sept 2024.pdf
The Synod on Synodality – Communion, Participation and Mission, opened in Rome on 4th October 2024, representing the next stage in the process of listening and is discerning what God wants from us in the world today. Five weekly newsletters were issued by the Dublin Diocesan Synodal Steering Committee.
To keep up to date on 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops check out
5th Newsletter: “Synod Newsletter 29.10.2023“
4th Newsletter: “Synod Newsletter 22.10.2023“
3rd Newsletter : ” Synod Newsletter 15.10.2023 “
2nd Newsletter : “Synod Newsletter 8.10.2023″.
1st Newsletter : “Synod Newsletter 1.10.2023 “. This newsletter contains Archbishop Farrell’s letter ahead of the Synod in Rome.